We created Drupal commerce and we believe that it's ideal platform for your online store. Give us a chance to convince you.
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Dries Buytaert announced site templates at DrupalCon Atlanta 2025, where we released Commerce Kickstart 5.0 after converting it to the new paradigm. (...)
Centarro will be exhibiting at Drupal's big show, DrupalCon, in Atlanta from March 24 - 27. Join us there to chat all things Drupal Commerce and (...)
Learn how to configure Drupal Commerce for CPQ or any number of product customization scenarios.
We send out periodic emails keeping you in the loop on the latest releases, updates, and features.
Commerce Shipping is an "essential contributed module" in our ecosystem. The latest release adds new features while resolving a few more (...)
The module supports headless commerce sites, with its latest release expanding support for on-site payment gateways and manual payments.
Using Composer and ddev, creating a Drupal Commerce development environment has never been easier.
This tutorial shows how to use an event subscriber to execute custom Ajax commands when the product variation changes on an Add to Cart form.
This tutorial walks you through adding custom columns to the order items list on the order edit form with complete example module code.
Our commitment to the Drupal Association and project at large remain unchanged despite global circumstances. We're doubling down.
(or email info@centarro.io directly.)