Anyone working with Drupal on a regular basis should come to DrupalCon Atlanta. The city itself is easily accessed, directly connected to innumerable cities around the country and world via its massive airport. Furthermore, the crowd of people sure to attend will be the most engaged leaders of, contributors to, and users of Drupal ready to share and improve each other's work.
Centarro will have a contingent there representing both our client services and Drupal Commerce. At an event like this, we're eager to hear the stories of people using Drupal Commerce to build their own businesses and client sites. In addition to motivating us to continuing our contribution with vigor, these conversations reveal ways our services and features could be improved to serve merchants better.
We'd love to chat at the booth (507/509, toward the center of the hall) or to see you at our session on Wednesday, Drupal Commerce's Starshot Roadmap. As the resident Commerce guys, we'll have Starshot themed coins to give away along with some stellar wristbands that are fantastic for wiping the sweat off your brow in a mosh pit or on a tennis court. (I doubt the Kraftwerk concert Sunday evening will get that rowdy, but we'll be in General Admission and hope to see you there. 🤓)
Since DrupalCon Barcelona, we've been brainstorming and working toward a vision for Drupal Commerce as a project to embrace features of the Starshot initiatives. While we're most excited for Experience Builder, we've started our work on Commerce recipes and are charting out how best to incorporate AI into both the site building and shopping experience. We'll cover all this and more at our session, and we'd love to hear from others working in this same direction.
Don't forget to sign up for the Pantheon after party atop Ponce City Market, a very cool venue, and if you happen to head to Gaja for Korean BBQ on Tuesday evening, be sure to say hi! 🤠
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