GDPR Compliance and Data Subject Rights According to recently summarized key points of the General Data Protection Regulation, or the GDPR. In the post, Ivana Kotur breaks the GDPR down with eight sections focused on various aspects of consumers’ privacy rights.

A few of the most notable sections include the right to be informed, the right to access, and the right to correct or amend in addition to the right to object or restrict.

The Right to Be Informed and Access

People should be provided the contact info and details of your company up front when their data is collected. They should also be able to find out why their information is being processed and other details of the processing.

The Right to Correct or Amend

People should be able to correct or change their details within your business. Third parties should also be made aware of any changes requested so that they can also honor the rectification.

The Right to Objection and Restriction

Objections from consumers require immediate and absolute compliance, especially in direct marketing. If a person asks for their information to be restricted or not used at all, businesses must comply except in compelling and extenuating circumstances. To learn more about the GDPR and its impact on your eCommerce business, read the full post on the blog.

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